An Object in Motion

One of my goals when designing and building a piece of textile art is to capture the feel of objects in motion, whether animals, or plants blowing in the wind, or both being carried by the ocean currents. When you feel motion, you feel life. I love to look at a static piece of art and be able to feel that movement that comes with something being alive.  It's amazing when an artist can capture that, and it's something I aspire to.  This new design is another example of that. I've had this sketch for quite sometime.  It will require some difficult piecing, so I've been avoiding it, but I came across it again tonight and felt inspired that this would be the next big project on the table.  I'm going to make it a twin quilt size, 70"x96".  Unlike most of my quilts and textile art, I don't think it will have any appliqué. I think part of the beauty of this piece will be the skill it will take to piece in all those curves and have it look seamless. I want to add some sparkle into the sun colors, and will either do that with metallic threads or Swarovski crystals, or perhaps both.  I'm not sure yet. My quilts usually tell me what they want when the time comes.  Like my kids, only without the temper tantrums.  Stay tuned to see this one come to life!


How it All Began.


"...and there was Light"